Author: adv_admin_de

Industry News: Chip shortage continues

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As the chip shortage continues to impact the global electronics market, there has been a steady flow of articles describing the situation and how we got here. One of the best articles we have found is from Bloomberg. It provides excellent information on the evolving demand for chips, supply chain issues, the manufactures, and the end markets factors. To read all about it, visit:

Industry News: Water shortage in Taiwan

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There is a growing concern about the water shortage in Taiwan and its possible impact on semiconductor manufacturing. For the semiconductor industry to continue operations, great efforts are currently being implemented. However, without significant rain in the next few months, the situation could constrain semiconductor manufacturing in Taiwan, seriously disrupting global supply chains. Read more about the shortage below:

Industry News: Automobile manufacturers are being hit hard by a global shortage in semiconductors

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This surprise shortage in semiconductors has severely impacted the automotive industry. This chip shortage has disrupted supply chains and operations around the world, resulting in temporary plant closures and employee furloughs at the industry’s largest automakers. One of the major factors causing these shortages is the high demands for chips in other consumer markets. Please read the following links for more details:

Advantek Corporate Social Responsibility During COVID-19


Despite the devastating impact of COVID-19 on people and businesses around the world in 2020, Advantek Corporate Social Responsibility has continued in the Philippines but in a slightly different way.

The site has supported both online teaching and classroom education by donating e-learning equipment such as laptops, calculators, printer ink/paper, and televisions. Along with that, they have donated hygiene and COVID sanitizing kits to low-income STEM and elementary school students in public schools near Advantek to help them continue their studies despite lockdowns and other COVID-related challenges.

“Through this simple act, we help these students continue their education and achieve their dreams,” says Rose Lera, Human Resources Manager, Philippines.

We look forward to helping in more ways with our Corporate Social Responsibility program.

Advantek Gives Back to Families in Need

Corporate Social Responsibility

As part of our Corporate Social Responsibility program at Advantek, our Eden Prairie office participated in an event, for Project for Pride in Living. It is a Minneapolis, Minnesota non-profit that, “builds the hope, assets, and self-reliance of individuals and families who have lower incomes by providing transformative affordable housing and employment readiness services.” We put together 200 snack packs to be distributed to kids in these families, as they are not receiving the meals they typically would at school, with distanced learning during the pandemic. It was a fun team building event, and we are looking forward to more Corporate Social Responsibility projects in 2021.

2019 Productronica Thank You

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The productronica 2019 was a successful event for Advantek. More than 1,500 exhibitors from 44 countries presented innovations from the fields of electronics production and development. In total 44,000 visitors from 96 countries were visiting the productronica in Munich. This year’s conference has been a great forum for Advantek to show new products and solutions. Our outstanding capabilities in making high precision and complex carrier tapes were main attractions and created great attention. We had very exciting discussions during the conference and are looking forward to start working on new innovative solutions. Thank you all who attended and stopped in to the Advantek booth, it was great to see you.


SMTconnect – 2020 (Voucher Redemption) Nuremberg

SMT Nuremberg , May 05-07, 2020

Advantek will exhibit at SMTconnect in Nuremberg, Germany on 5 – 7 May 2020.

If you received a show voucher from Advantek, please click the link at the bottom of this announcement for your registration to SMTconnect. Visit us at booth 226 in hall 4 to learn more about our advanced line of carrier tape, including high precision tape for bare die, cover tape, reels, and more. If you would like to receive a voucher, please contact your Advantek sales office. We look forward to meeting with you!

Redeem Voucher 2020


Productronica 2019 Information

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Advantek will be exhibiting at productronica 2019 in Munich, Germany on 12-15 November, 2019.

Visit us in Hall A2 Booth 236 to discuss our full line of carrier tape solutions; including high precision tapes for chip scale packages and bare die, wide and deep tapes for electro-mechanical components, Surftape®, cover tape, reels, and more.

PCBs, semiconductors, sensors, connectors or displays: electronica is the best place to find out first which components, systems and applications are made possible by the latest developments. Hundreds of exhibitors from across the world come together to showcase a complete range of technologies, products and solutions in the entire electronics industry. Join renowned experts and exhibitors as they discuss the latest topics and challenges facing electronics and its applications.

For more information on productronica 2019, visit here.

SMTconnect – 2019 (Voucher Redemption)

SMT Nuremberg , May 05-07, 2020

Advantek will exhibit at SMTconnect in Nuremberg, Germany on 7-9 May 2019.

If you received a show voucher from Advantek, please click the link at the bottom of this announcement for your registration to SMTconnect. Visit us at booth 226 in hall 4 to learn more about our advanced line of carrier tape, including high precision tape for bare die, cover tape, reels, and more. If you would like to receive a voucher, please contact your Advantek sales office. We look forward to meeting with you!

Redeem Voucher